A Difficult Farewell

This is not the kind of post we ever wanted to write, but here we are. After much

soul-searching, we’ve had to make the painful decision to stop development on

CACTUS and go our separate ways as a team. It hurts, but ultimately, it’s the right


Indie development can be tough. And the reality is that continuing to develop

CACTUS in its current form is no longer viable under our current circumstances.

With part of the founding team stepping down for health reasons, the weight of the

project is becoming too much to bear alone. Expanding the team to optimize

workloads isn't an option under the current economic situation. Still, we refuse to let

CACTUS suffer from half-measures.

Since the beginning, we’ve always believed in putting the project above ourselves.

That principle still stands. CACTUS deserves a chance to thrive, even if it’s not

under our roof. That’s why we’re looking for a new home for the game—someone

who can take our vision and bring it to life. If you think that might be you, or you just

want to reach out, please get in touch.

We founded Axon Flux in 2021 with the dream of creating big adventures in small

games—tight, focused experiences that respect players’ time. That mission hasn’t

changed, even if this chapter is closing. While this is the end of the road for CACTUS

with us, we hope it’s just the beginning of something new

We also want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to our community.

Your passion and support over the past year—at numerous events, on Steam,

Discord, and social media—have meant the world to us. Seeing your excitement,

feedback, and encouragement has been truly inspiring, and we are incredibly

thankful to have shared this journey with you.

Thank you for having been a huge part of it.

The Team at Axon Flux